Kimi’s Kolumn Edition #1

Waz up guys! It’s Kimi07 here! Bodge has given me my own column! Yay for me! I have a few super secret dances for you, ones that Bodge didn’t mention specifically (see Bodge’s glitch page to find out how to do super secret dances, I will just tell you the items for these) 😆   😆    😆 ! 😀    😀     😀     😀    😀     😀    😀    😀

Air Guitar Dance:

Item required: Any guitar

Piano playing/Bongo Drums

Item required: Drum sticks


Item required: Chef’s hat


Item required: Clown Outfit

Mad Jumping:

Item required: Hard hat/Miners helmet

That’s all for that! I hope you impress your friends with your new moves! If you’ve got any questions then comment here!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
