Gary Autographed Backgrounds

Gary The Gadget Guy is giving out cool signed backgrounds (like Rockhopper) in the Secret Lab! Here is a picture:

He will be travelling around servers, but it will be easier than finding Rockhopper as he will only be in one room. I would suggest checking the most popular servers. Good luck with finding him!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. Picture thanks to

Club Penguin Times Issue #159, Ninja & Halloween Party Funny Pics

A new newspaper came out today. Here are this week’s top stories:

Halloween Is Here:

Great tips on how to enjoy a fantastic Club Penguin Halloween:

More Igloo Winners Announced

Find out who the runners-up in the igloo contest were:

Lightning Warning

G tells us about the Storm and gives us tips on how to stay safe in the weather (like not to carry a lightning rod. I’d say that speaks for itself, wouldn’t you? 😀 ):

Writer’s Block Delays Play:

We find out that the next play is going to be delayed until 21st November due to writer’s block (I get that sometimes 😉 ):

Now, have you been to the Dojo yet during the Halloween party? It’s very spooky, with the wind and the lightning flashes. But if you watch carefully, you’ll find it yields an even more spooky and mysterious secret! A Club Penguin ninja:

Many people are  saying this is final proof that ninjas are coming to Club Penguin. What do you think?

Here are my funny pics from the Halloween party:

Please tell me what you thought of them!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. Click here for Halloween Party cheats.

P.P.S. Thanks to Ojoc for the ninja picture.

Club Penguin Halloween Party 2008 Cheats

Club Penguin Halloween Party 2008 Cheats

The Halloween Candy Baskets are located in the Snow Forts:

The Lanterns can be found in the Secret Lab, this party’s secret room:

 To get in, you need the Rad Scientist costume. If you have it, go to the Book Room and click the green candle:

Then walk down the passageway.

Here are the cheats for the candy scavenger hunt:

The first piece of candy can be found at the Snow Forts. Click on the flag, and it will be replaced with chocolate:

The second can be found in the Dance Lounge. Click on the lampshade and the candy will come out:

The third piece can be found in the Lodge Attic. Click on the Blue Box:

The fourth can be found in the Plaza. Click on the Cauldron:

The fifth can be found at the Cove. Click on the “Caution! Swim at your own risk” sign:

The sixth piece can be found at the Iceberg. Click on the green lights:

The seventh can be found at the Beacon. Wait for three lightning flashes, then click on the piece of candy that appears in the Pumpkin’s eye:

The final piece of candy can be found in the Book Room. Click on the green candle (that also activates the secret passage), and the candy will appear:

Once you have gathered all the pieces of candy, click on the “claim prize” button:

You will get a free Giant Pumpkin Background:

Make sure you check out all the cool decorations across the island!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Treasure Book Secret & Hallowe’en Party 2008 Sneak Peek

Click here for free Club Penguin book unlock codes!  

Treasure Book Series 1 Secret

Click on the window for the Winged Viking Helmet:

Here is a sneak peek of this year’s Hallowe’en party:

The rooms are the Lodge, the Plaza and the Beach. The party will start tomorrow, so brace yourself for plenty of Hallowe’en fun!

Speaking of Hallowe’en, I have a new Hallowe’en header, that will stay up until the end of the party. Please tell me what you think of it.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Book Unlock Codes & Anniversary Party Funny Pics

Here are four free book unlock codes to unlock items on Club Penguin:

Keep trying until you get these questions:

This one is for “The Ultimate Official Guide To Club Penguin”:

If it says “What word is on page 101, 4 Words from the left, on line 8?”, type in “donated”.

These ones are for “The Club Penguin Stowaway”:

Question: What word is on page 25? Answer: “yarr”

Question: What word is on page 21? Answer: “migrator.”

Question: What word is on page 80? Answer: “penguin.”

These two books should unlock the Book Item, 1500 coins and 2000 coins. Sorry I don’t have the toy codes, but they are unique for each toy! If you are unsure of how to redeem your codes, here’s a guide:

1. Go to

2. Click the “Unlock Items Online” button in the top right hand side of your screen:

3. Choose the penguin you would like to use to redeem your codes on:

4. Login to your account. If you have a book (or are using the above codes), select option 1. If you have a toy code, select option 2:

5. Type in your code or word and get your prizes!

And now, on to my Anniversary Party Funny Pics:

Please tell me what you thought of them! I would’ve done more, but it was a fairly small-scale party!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Trading Cards & Free Accounts

Club Penguin Trading Cards will soon be released! Let’s take a look:

You’ll be able to buy the cards in mid-November (in North America) and the coolest part is that, in addition to a great card game to play with your family and friends, the cards will connect to a brand new multiplayer game coming soon to Club Penguin (yes, I know, a new game 😀 ). You’ll be able to enter a code and get on a “fast path” to mastering the game. More info on the new game will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Now, onto the really cool part of the post: I have made a free Club Penguin accounts page, where there are 20 free unique penguins that I’m sharing with everyone! Click here to go there!

In other news: I have made a few more major site changes. I should be done with all my changes by the end of next week.

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Club Penguin Treasure Book, New York 3 Year Party Footage & Elite Penguin Force

Update: there are special new party safechat phrases on the Club Penguin chatbar (in the “hello” section)! Check them out!

A new section of the Club Penguin website has been opened for people to redeem the codes from their toys/books. There is a catalog of rare and unique items, much like the clothing catalog in Club Penguin:

Penguins (yes, even non-members) can get free puffles, coins, and exclusive costumes to wear in the game. I have already noticed quite a few of the MP3000s on several servers. If you have a code to redeem, or want to buy a toy, click here.

Moving on: here is some footage of the Club Penguin anniversary party in New York. If you went, you might just see yourself!

And finally, Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force will be released in North America on 25th November!

I’m not sure when it’s being released anywhere else, but you can order it in advance from Amazon.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

P.S. Videos thanks to funnycpvids08 and lookintothesky123.

Club Penguin 3 Year Anniversary Party, Yearbook & New Pin

Update: Here is some footage of the New York party:

Happy Club Penguin Anniversary! Here are the cheats:

The 3 Year Party Hat can be found by clicking on the Wishmaker3000:

The Ice Cream Apron can be found next to the desk in the Coffee Shop:

The new pin is an anniversary cake, and is hidden in the Dance Lounge:

Don’t forget to check out the cool new Yearbook in the Boom Room!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. Videos thanks to funnycpvids08 and lookintothesky123.

New Newspaper, Club Penguin Books, Party & Ninjas

Hi guys! Here is this week’s newspaper:

This week, Rockhopper tells us what he’s doing to celebrate the anniversary, we find out the results of the igloo contest, and we hear about a storm coming our way, due to give the annual Hallowe’en darkness:

Be afraid… Be very afraid… Make sure you check out the whole newspaper! Click here to read it without logging in. 

To join the long line of Club Penguin merchandise to be released on it’s 3rd birthday (tomorrow), brand new Club Penguin books have been written! Here are some of the book titles:

The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin
Stowaway! Adventures at Sea
Waddle Lot of Laughs (Joke Book)
Stuck-On Puffles (Sticker Book)

With some of the books you’ll be able to unlock items online (like in the picture above). I think this is just a publicity stunt to get you to buy them!

To celebrate the launch of the CP toys in Canada, there’s going to be a party at Toys “R” Us in Vaughan Mills (wherever that is 😉 ) just outside Toronto on Saturday, October 25th from 1 – 4 pm! If you live in or around that area, beg your parent/guardian to let you go! There’s limited space though- so make sure you get there nice and early!

And now, finally, onto the last part of the post. Could Ninja Club Penguin be a thing of the future? Just like on the French Club penguin, they have changed the “Uh-oh” screen. Could this be a sign? What do you think?

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Vid Of The Week

Welcome to Vid Of The Week, my weekly post that features one fantastic Club Penguin video, every week- but bear in mind- it’s not always the ones you’d expect! This week’s Vid Of The Week is:
Club Penguin- Apologize by tdizzo31! Enjoy:

Tune in next week for another awesome video!
Until next time…
Waddle on!