Last Goodbye & Thankyou

It is finally time for me to depart from the fun, world of Club Penguin, and venture off into the unknown. I do so with regret, but I know I have to move on, as all penguins do, into the future, and to bigger- but not necessarily better things. I have learnt much in my time in Club Penguin, and not just about the game itself: about friendships, about what I can achieve if I set my mind to it, and so much about all the different cultures, the countries, and, most importantly the people from around the world. I have learnt about blogging, and business, and, most bizarrely, chocolate! :mrgreen: I will truly miss all the great friends that I have made in my time, and I’ll always remember the awesome memories: the parties, the contests, so many fun times with my buddies… And I’ll miss answering your comments, and hearing what you have to say about the events; I’ll miss meeting my fans, and talking to them personally… So much that I’ll miss… 😥 😥 But I have to move on, as will you all someday! The only thing I can say now is thankyou, thankyou all so much for giving me this chance! 😥 Thankyou for helping me, and supporting me, throughout my Club Penguin “career”! I may have been “famous”, but to me hits don’t matter- a man is defined by the number of friends he has, not the number of views on his website. Thankyou, thankyou all of you! 😥 There’s a few people I’d like to give an extra special thanks to:

Munky101- without whom my site never would have begun- even though it was kind of an accident! 😀 Best accident of my life, that’s for sure! 😀 Also for being such a great friend, throughout my CP life.

The Source00- who always helped and supported me, and has long time been one of my best CP buddies!

Kimi07- for being my best buddy in Club Penguin and real life.

Coolieperson- who helped me grasp the basics of blogging when I started- whenever I needed help with something on my blog, she was always there.

Nice Reddy, Californya63 and Aquaclear72- for being my good Club Penguin and WordPress buddies, and introducing me to so many of their friends, many of whom I still know today, and who have become great buddies of mine.

Interiordes3- for being a good friend and loyal site viewer as long as I can remember.

Aussie229, Doggking & Sonic30132- for being my great friends on both Club Penguin and WordPress, and always helping me when I needed help.

Ojoc & Blowsight10- for being excellent authors and buddies, and helping make this site what it is today.

I’d love to list all the awesome people I’ve met, and all my awesome Club Penguin buddies, but the list would be too long, and grow old before reaching the bottom! :mrgreen: Thankyou all so very much! I’ve loved my time here in Club Penguin, and have enjoyed every bit! Goodbye, my friends, and good luck in your future: in Club Penguin and the rest of your lives! And remember, your childhood doesn’t last forever, so savour every bit of it! Goodbye! 😥

For the last time…

Waddle on!


You’ll keep on waddling, waddling on,

And your times in Club Penguin will soon be done.

But although they are done, they are not gone,

For the memories, and the good times, still live on.

And as you remember them, you’ll remember the fun,

And the times that you spent, with old Bodge101.

And as you remember, you’ll know they’re not done!

And you’ll still be waddling, waddling on.

Goodbye everybody, and good luck! 😥 I’ll miss you all so much! 😥 Goodbye! Thankyou, thankyou all! 😥

Bodge101’s Leaving Party Pics, Contest Winner & Party Review

Hey guys! Bodge here! My leaving party was a blast! I couldn’t have wished for a better send off! I’m so touched that so many people came 😥 .  Now, the winner of my whole hoard of free penguins is…







Wetty5! Well done Wetty! I’ll email you the penguins! If anyone’s wondering how I chose the winner, I assure you it was perfectly fair! Now, here are the pictures I took of the party:

What a great party! I’ve travelled a long way in my Club Penguin career, but I never expected such a great leaving party as that! 😀 Unfortunately, my party filmer couldn’t be there, but it doesn’t matter: we had a great time! 😀 Thanks for such a great party!  I’ll post my final goodbye later today. Feel free to comment what you thought about the party below!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Bodge101’s Leaving Party

Update: Great party everyone! I’m touched that so many people turned up. 😥 I’ll have the pictures and prize winner up as soon as I can!

As you probably know, I’m quitting Club Penguin- everyone’s time comes in the end! To celebrate all the good times, I’m hosing a party with all my friends and fans! Here are the details:

  • When: Sunday 15th February, at 12:00pm PST
  • Where: starting at Matterhorn Plaza
  • Who: Anyone can come!
  • Why: To celebrate all the fantastic times we’ve shared!
  • What: An massive party, with dancing, sled-racing, find four and much more! PLUS: I will be giving away my whole hoard of free penguins to one lucky visitor!

I hope you can all come! I’ll be adding as many people as I can, and the party will be filmed for Youtube!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Quitting Forever & Leaving Party

Hey guys! Bodge here! I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I’m quitting Club Penguin and my blog, forever.  Every penguin comes to a certain time, when Club Penguin becomes boring, and the space in your life for it gradually seals up, and you quit. This happens at different times for different people. For me, my time has come. But I can definately say this: the many hours I’ve spent with the Club Penguin community has definately been worthwhile- I’ve learnt so much about myself, about what I can achieve if I just put the work in, like I have with my site, and about so many other cultures, across the world. Club Penguin blogging isn’t just about the game and the “fame”, it’s about making friends from across the world. That’s the most important part. And even though I have had 400,000 views, I will always look back on the friendships as the best part. All the people I’ve met and got to know, all the people who encouraged me and helped me along. Thankyou to you all!

I know you’re sad I’m quitting, but don’t be: just remember all the good times, and to celebrate all the fun we’ve had over the last year and a half, I’m throwing a massive party, and everyone is invited! At the party I’ll be giving away my whole hoard of free penguins to one lucky visitor and the whole party will be filmed for Youtube! I’ll post the invitation later, so stay tuned!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin February 2009 Clothing Catalog Cheats

Bodge here! Here are the cheats for the new Penguin Style Catalog:

Click the ‘S’ in ‘T-Shirts’ to get the Spikester:


Click the ‘e’ in the “Penguins at Work” page to get the Spikette:


Click on the middle dot on the disco page to get the Fruit Headdress:


Click on the flower to get the Red Viking Helmet, and open and close it three times for the Blue Viking Helmet:feb-09-clothing-catalog-cheat-04

Click the beak of the of the penguin in the green sweater to get the Russian Hat:


Click on the snowman’s carrot to get the Yellow Scarf:


On the first clearance page,  click on the second ‘A’ in ‘Clearance”to get the Pink Pom Pom Toque:


Finally, click the ‘L’ on the last clearance page to get the Red Hoodie:


Don’t forget to check out all the cool new clothes, and thanks Blowsight10 for posting this earlier!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Puffle Update, January Review & Upcoming Events

Hey guys! Bodge here! Recently, the Club Penguin island has been filled with rumours about puffles. Some penguins have reported that their pets are startig to interact with their puffle furniture!


 Have you experienced this yet? Puffle experts say that by February 13th, every puffle on the island will be interacting with the furniture!

Now, January was a great month in Club Penguin! Here’s what DJ Cadence had to say about this fantastic month: “Oh man, January was crazy cool! I’ve literally never seen so many penguins dancing. The rooftop party at the Night Club was totally insane. And if that wasn’t enough, the Winter Fiesta saw plenty of penguins shaking their maracas and strutting their stuff! Smooth moves penguins. Ch-ch-check out my photos, and lets keep the party going through Funky February. Take it easy!”


What a great month! Now, here’s what you can expect this month, and it promises to be just as action packed:

Feb 6.-March. 5 -Penguin Style Catalog

Feb. 13- Puffles play more!

Feb. 13-Mar. 12– Team Blue at the Stage!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Penguin Style — Update!

Hey guyz! Blowsight10 here with my very first post on Bodge101’s site! Now for the news, there will be brand new Penguin Style catalog at the Gift Shop on this Friday!! It will be the February 09′ Penguin Style Catalog and the theme will be about getting back to basics. Here are a couple of things that you’ll see:

tshirts.jpgI really like the blue and green rugby shirt along with the green t-shirt!! I can’t wait for this to be out! So what do you guys think?

In other news: Screenhog blogs tomorrow, and if you’re interested in seeing how an item in Club Penguin gets made, make sure and check it out. And that is all for today, so cya later guys and until next time! 😉

~Aznmonkey10 A.K.A. Blowsight10~

Club Penguin French Servers Secret

Hey Penguins, Ojoc posting

Club Penguin have not publicly announced it but the secret has got out, there will be french servers in club penguin very soon.

The only way to access the servers is to use a special club penguin trainer.

Here are some pictures I took while I was waddling around:

The town is french club penguin is called Centro (Centre)

The strange thing about the french servers are that most of the time they are completely empty!

I noticed a club penguin glitch with the puffle player card stats, the writing for energy, health and rest seem to be in Chinese writing!!

Also here are some interesting translations

  • The Plaza is called “La Grande Place” (the big place)
  • The Lounge is called “Area VIP” (VIP area)

Some of the swf files that make up the game haven’t been created!

Here is a list of the French features that need to be made:

1. A few room swfs

2. All the single player games

3. Some messages eg. your account info

Keep visiting this site and my site for more hints, tips, cheats and secrets!

~ Ojoc

Club Penguin Game Designer Exclusive Interview

Here’s an exclusive interview with one of Club Penguin’s top game designers:

Q: What’s your absolute fave game in Club Penguin and why?
A: Treasure Hunt (I love it partly because I got to help Screenhog make it and partly because it’s multiplayer). I also like playing Cart Surfer and Jet Pack Adventure. I like Catchin’ Waves… but I’m not terribly good at it.

Q: Do you eat candy while you create games?
A: Loads of it – But we’ve got healthy candy… like those grain bars.

Q: What do you like best about games in general?
A: It’s brilliant when you get to play games with friends.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Paint By Letters Lime Green Dojo Clean Cheats

After some delay due to system bugs, the new Club Penguin Paint By Letters book/game has finally been released! Here are the cheats:


Coins are hidden throughout the book, which add to your total score at the end. Hidden coins can be found on the following pages:

Page 4- Click the mop to drag it outside the Dojo Then, use it to clean outside the Dojo, and the coin will appear. You must click the coin for it to be added to your total:


Page 6 – Move the lime green paint bucket to reveal a hidden coin.


Page 8 – Click and drag the paint ball until it runs out to reveal a coin.


Page 10 – Move the penguin around with your mouse to clean the Dojo roof.


Page 12 – Click and highlight the Dojo wall panels green to earn a coin.


Page 14 – Move the paint bucket to the right to reveal a hidden coin.


Page 16 – Move and navigate the light bulb through three different mazes to discover a hidden coin.


Page 18 – Swap the capes on the penguin’s flippers for socks.


Collect all the coins to earn a total of 800 coins!


What do you think of Lime Green Dojo Clean? Let me know and comment below!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
