Club Penguin Halloween Party 2008 Cheats

Club Penguin Halloween Party 2008 Cheats

The Halloween Candy Baskets are located in the Snow Forts:

The Lanterns can be found in the Secret Lab, this party’s secret room:

 To get in, you need the Rad Scientist costume. If you have it, go to the Book Room and click the green candle:

Then walk down the passageway.

Here are the cheats for the candy scavenger hunt:

The first piece of candy can be found at the Snow Forts. Click on the flag, and it will be replaced with chocolate:

The second can be found in the Dance Lounge. Click on the lampshade and the candy will come out:

The third piece can be found in the Lodge Attic. Click on the Blue Box:

The fourth can be found in the Plaza. Click on the Cauldron:

The fifth can be found at the Cove. Click on the “Caution! Swim at your own risk” sign:

The sixth piece can be found at the Iceberg. Click on the green lights:

The seventh can be found at the Beacon. Wait for three lightning flashes, then click on the piece of candy that appears in the Pumpkin’s eye:

The final piece of candy can be found in the Book Room. Click on the green candle (that also activates the secret passage), and the candy will appear:

Once you have gathered all the pieces of candy, click on the “claim prize” button:

You will get a free Giant Pumpkin Background:

Make sure you check out all the cool decorations across the island!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
