Brand New Story

I’ve just completed writing yet another short story for my library: one I think maybe even beats all my others. It carries on from my previous story: ‘Rockin’ With The Rythm.’ It will not be the last in the series, in fact… You may find it ties in some loose ends in some of my other stories too… But enough of me jabbering away about it!
Click here to read my brand new story, ‘The Rock Show.’
Click here to read it’s prequel, ‘Rockin’ With The Rythm.’
I hope you enjoy my story, and while you’re there, why don’t you check out some of my others too?
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Random Club Penguin Quiz

Well, I’m feeling a little random today, what with me being excited about going on holiday tomorrow and everything… So i decided to do a random little quiz about CP! You don’t have to comment your answers- just think them if you want! I don’t mind! Enjoy!

1. When was Club Penguin started? (the month will do)

2. Who was Club Penguin originally made by?

3. How many issues of the newspaper have there been?

4. What age group is CP aimed at?

5. Who is the most famous moderator?

6. What makes betas special?

7. How many missions are there?

8. What emote do you get if you press ‘E’ and ‘1’?

9. How much does a membership cost (in pounds) for six months?

10. What is the oldest pin?

Well, I hope you enjoyed that! Just a random bit of ‘thinking fun’ lol!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
