Club Penguin Dance-A-Thon Party, New Game, Stage Update Sneak Peek & Upcoming Events

A Club Penguin DJ named Cadence has announced a special Member Dance Party to kick off a brand new dance game! Inspired by this month’s Penguin Style Catalog, Cadence will be decorating the Night Club and holding special competitions:


It looks like the new game has something to do with the dance floor. What do you think?

On Friday there will be an update to the Stage, and some awesome superhero action will be returning! Get ready to welcome back Squidzoid, Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal, and it looks like this time Squidzoid will be even worse than ever:


Check it out at the Stage tomorrow!

Finally, here are the upcoming events (click to enlarge):


Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Member Party Sneak Peek & More Free Penguins

Club Penguin are working on an exclusive member party (their first since the opening of the Cove) for mid-January. Here’s a sneak peek:


The party will start on the 15th, and it’s more than just a party- wait till you see what else the team have planned! Last week, Billybob said that the new dance fashions would be useful later in January- could this be what he means? I’ll have more details next week!

I’ve updated the 40 Free Penguins page with over 30 awesome new (and old) accounts! Check it out here!

Finally, would you like to become an author on this site? Click here to apply!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
