Club Penguin Member Party Sneak Peek & More Free Penguins

Club Penguin are working on an exclusive member party (their first since the opening of the Cove) for mid-January. Here’s a sneak peek:


The party will start on the 15th, and it’s more than just a party- wait till you see what else the team have planned! Last week, Billybob said that the new dance fashions would be useful later in January- could this be what he means? I’ll have more details next week!

I’ve updated the 40 Free Penguins page with over 30 awesome new (and old) accounts! Check it out here!

Finally, would you like to become an author on this site? Click here to apply!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


300,000 Hits/1 Year Anniversary Party Review

My 300,000 Hits/1 Year Anniversary Party was great! Despite a time change, several lost connections and a faulty computer, we still all had an excellent time! Here are some pictures:






Sorry if I couldn’t add you- I tried to add as many people as possible! What did you think of the party? Comment below and tell me!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


100,000 Hits Party Pics Slideshow

Hi guys! It was my 100,000 Hit Mega-Party on Sunday! We had a great time and I took loads of pictures! Here’s a slideshow of them all:

If you missed this party, don’t worry! I’ll be throwing another soon!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

100,000 Hit Party Relocation

Fall Fair 2008 Cheats:

Fall Fair

Ticket Cheat

Because of the Fall Fair,  servers are a lot more full at the moment than usual, as was proved yesterday with my last attempt at hosting my 100,000 Hits Mega-Party. That it why I am relocating the party (relocating- not cancelling) to Snow Bank server, at the Plaza. Here’s a reminder of the details:

When: Today, (Sunday 28th September) at 12:00pm PST

Where: Starting at the Plaza on Snow Bank server.

For more details on the party and what it will include, click here.

Club Penguin is still not working perfectly for me, so I might be going on as Bodge102, we’ll see.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


100,000 Hits Mega-Parties

Hi guys it’s my 100,000 Hits Mega-Parties on Saturday and Sunday! Here’s your invitation:

If you can’t read it, here’s what it says:
100,000 Hits Mega-Party

You’re invited to the mega-celebration of the year! We’re combining 10 different parties into one mega event! Here are the details:

When: Saturday 27th September, 10:30am PST and Sunday 28th September, 12:00pm PST.

Where: Matterhorn (the party server), starting at the Dock

Why: 10 different special occasions!

Who: Anyone can come!

What: Two huge, pengtastic parties!

How: Waddle on over to Matterhorn Dock and PARTY DOWN!

The activities will include: dancing, karaoke, find four, sledding, mancala and football (soccer)! Also, the parties will be recorded and put on Youtube!

PLUS: Everyone at the parties will be entered into a prize draw to win a rare penguin!

We’ll have a great time! The things we’re celebrating are:

100,000 hits here
7000 blocked spam comments on this site
My penguin turning 500 days old
Bioe’s penguin turning 900 days old
8000 hits for Kimi 07
1000 hits for Interiordes3
50,000 hits for Chinsetakout
5000 hits on Doggiking’s site
Interiordes3 turning 1 year old
Kimi 07 turning 1 year old

In other news: there’s a new poll on my sidebar! Check it out!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

100,000 Hits Mega-Party Invitation

Hi guys! It’s my 100,000 Hits Mega-Party on Saturday! Here’s your invitation:

If you can’t read it, here’s what it says:

100,000 Hits Mega-Party

You’re invited to the mega-celebration of the year! We’re combining 10 different parties into one mega event! Here are the details:

When: Saturday 20th September, 10:00am PST

Where: Matterhorn (the party) server, starting at the Dock

Why: 10 different special occasions

Who: Anyone can come!

What: A huge, pengtastic party!

How: Waddle on over to Matterhorn Dock and PARTY DOWN!


The activities will include: dancing, karaoke, find four, sledding, mancala and football (soccer)! Also, the party will be recorded and put on Youtube!

PLUS: Everyone at the party will be entered into a prize draw to win a rare penguin!

We’ll have a blast! See you on Saturday!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Upcoming Events, A Mystery Within A Mystery & More About My Mega-Party

Hi everyone! A lot is going to be happening in the next few months on Club Penguin! Here’s a quick preview of what you can look forward to:

  • The Fall Fair party (all the favourites from last year plus new stuff!)
  • A visit from Rockhopper (who always brings cool stuff!)
  • Halloween Party (complete with an igloo decorating contest, awesome costumes, and lots of spooky surprises!)
  • 3rd Anniversary Party (Club Penguin is turning 3!)
  • A new Yearbook (with highlights of the past year!)
  • A new mission

That’s not all of course! New catalogues and pins will be released too!

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Moving on…

There are lots of mysteries around Club Penguin, and the most famous is probably the ninja mystery. Do they exist? Or are they just a myth? A few weeks ago, a hint was given in the newspaper about the new play:

This hint caused a great number of rumours to start about the next play being about ninjas, all because of a simple letter “n”. Think about the title of the new play, “Ruby And The Ruby”, is there an “n” in that? No. I think it was just a publicity stunt by the mods to get us interested! Clever plan, pity there are some very observant penguins out there (not me though 😀 , this was all found by Bioe)!

Finally, for more information about my Mega-Party; I now can release a list of all the things we’re celebrating for the party:

100,000 hits on this site

My penguin turning 500 days old

6,000 pieces of blocked SPAM (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages 😀 ) on this site

1000 hits on Interiordes3’s site

7,000 hits on Kimi 07’s site

Kimi 07 and Interiordes3 turning 1 year old on Club Penguin

45,000 hits on Chinsetakout’s site

Bioe‘s penguin turning 900 days old

Wow that’s a lot of celebration! The party will start at 10:00am PST (Penguin Standard Time) on Saturday 20th September, on Matterhorn server at the Dock. I’ll post the official invitation tomorrow!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. Long title 😀 !

The Next Parties In Club Penguin *Sneak Peek*

Do these pictures look familiar to you? If they don’t, they soon will; they’re on track to become the next three parties on Club Penguin. Camp Penguin, The Fall Fair, and the Halloween Party. Closely followed by the two-roomed 3 Years Of Club Penguin party, with a party hat of new colours. If the mods keep going like this, then there won’t be any new parties ever! Every time a party is a success, they repeat it. Sure, Camp Penguin isn’t definite, but I’m absolutely sure about the other three! Watch the news closely for a few months, and I guarentee there will be some mention of these parties- especially the Fall Fair!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


The Penguin Games

As the close of the Beijing Olympics draws near, the Penguin Games begin, bringing with it fantastic decorations and a chance for all penguin athletes to show what they’re made of! There are three free items and, as expected, they are a Gold Medal and the Red and Blue Facepaints:

The Red Facepaints are in the Coffee Shop:

The Blue Facepaints are in the Pizza Parlour:


To get the Gold Medal, you have to complete the three sporting events across the island: the marathon (starting at the Ski Village), the three lap race (at the Ice Berg) and the freestyle swimming (the Cave). None of them are particularly hard, although you have to make sure you stop at the lights otherwise it won’t count- take extra special care in the Marathon. Also, you have to start at the start line, otherwise it doesn’t count it at all.

Once you have completed all the events, click on the medal next to the Mods’ Symbol and select ‘Claim Prize.’ If you are a member you may want to check out the Ice Rink- it’s changed into a football pitch! Why they couldn’t make this available for non-members too, I don’t know. But you can still play hockey at a special party room next to the Rink!

In other news: Kimi 07 has agreed to getting the party items for my penguin, as I can’t access it at the moment. Hopefully I’ll be able to go back on again soon… Hopefully…

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Penguin Games Sneak Peek

The Penguin Games start tomorrow, and I can’t wait! For once the CP Team have kept their secrets quite close to their chest, and not much is certain about the decorations or what the games will be. However, what is certain is that there will be games to win free items (most likely medals and the red and blue face paints), and it will be a great party 😀 ! Here’s a sneak peek of the decorations (can you guess which room?):

It looks to me like the mullet and the moose from the Ski Lodge wearing face paints! What do you think?

In other news, time is wearing out fast for me to get onto Club Penguin- if I don’t work out how soon, I’ll have to ask someone to get the items for me tomorrow! I’m hoping Kimi 07 (who I know in real life) will be able to do it, but I’m not sure…

Also, the Beijing Olympics ends on Sunday, and the Closing Ceremony should be good, so check it out!

Until next time…
Waddle on!