Club Penguin Times More Read Than Some U.S. Papers

Hi guys! As you may have guessed from the title, according to the L.A. Times Website, the Club Penguin Times is more read than some U.S. papers, like the Chicargo Tribune, the Dallas Morning News and the New York Daily News! Wow! And I’m sure there’s a lot of more unpopular newspapers it’s more read than too 😀 ! In the report there was a picture of the founder of the Club Penguin Times (no, not Aunt Arctic 😀 ):

Club Penguin

I wonder if that’s Billybob 😀 ? To read this interesting article, click here.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

P.S. Story thanks to Kimi 07

16 Responses


    “there was a picture of the founder of the Club Penguin Times (no, not Aunt Arctic ):”


  2. thats really cool also i cant believe red is quitting i think cpt was kind of done when cali left also im really glad you liked the new chinsetakout tv episode… and the first one was good lol


  3. oh also will the new episode be added to the Comedy Channel?

  4. ya itll be on soon

  5. Thats Rsnail because Rsnail founded Club Penguin Right?

  6. Nope not Rsnail its Billybob

  7. red is quitting cpt. this is madness.

  8. i kno! he was the only constistant member who posted most days of the week 😦

  9. Hey bodge congrats on 100k hits!

    Im going on a camping trip till Friday so can u or the source plz post.

    ps. i made u a permanent editor on my site.


  10. Hey Bodge! You are so close to 100 thousand hits! So close!


  11. OMG OMG! Bodge… umm you have 100,000 hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Congrats on the milesone. YOU RULE!!!!!!


  12. 100k hits baby!!!
    BTW Bodge
    are you famous on CP?

  13. depends wot u call “famous”- im not “heatblast famous” as i call it! lol! but ppl do recognise me!

  14. congratulations Bodge! 100,000 hits!!! Well done!!!

  15. When you on someplace are you crowded?

  16. Yep Its Billybob I Saw Him In Real Life At the Times Square Anniversary!But What I Can’t Belive Is The Club Penguin Team Came All The Way From Canada To NYC In Amreica!

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