Club Penguin Times More Read Than Some U.S. Papers

Hi guys! As you may have guessed from the title, according to the L.A. Times Website, the Club Penguin Times is more read than some U.S. papers, like the Chicargo Tribune, the Dallas Morning News and the New York Daily News! Wow! And I’m sure there’s a lot of more unpopular newspapers it’s more read than too 😀 ! In the report there was a picture of the founder of the Club Penguin Times (no, not Aunt Arctic 😀 ):

Club Penguin

I wonder if that’s Billybob 😀 ? To read this interesting article, click here.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

P.S. Story thanks to Kimi 07

What’s This? A Football Pitch?

The Penguin Games are all over, and Club Penguin is back to normal again- right? Wrong. Where usually there lies one of my favourite rooms, the Ice Rink, there is a football (soccer) pitch! This was definitely an unexpected turn of events! Maybe they kept it as a football pitch so the non-members would have a chance to play? No, I don’t think so: this is disney we’re talking about! No doubt we’ll find out what it’s all about in tomorrow’s paper!

I’m not sure how long it’ll stay like this, so make the most of it while it lasts!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Penguin Games Sneak Peek

The Penguin Games start tomorrow, and I can’t wait! For once the CP Team have kept their secrets quite close to their chest, and not much is certain about the decorations or what the games will be. However, what is certain is that there will be games to win free items (most likely medals and the red and blue face paints), and it will be a great party 😀 ! Here’s a sneak peek of the decorations (can you guess which room?):

It looks to me like the mullet and the moose from the Ski Lodge wearing face paints! What do you think?

In other news, time is wearing out fast for me to get onto Club Penguin- if I don’t work out how soon, I’ll have to ask someone to get the items for me tomorrow! I’m hoping Kimi 07 (who I know in real life) will be able to do it, but I’m not sure…

Also, the Beijing Olympics ends on Sunday, and the Closing Ceremony should be good, so check it out!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Clothing Catalogue Sneak Peek

A new clothing catalogue comes out tomorrow, full of some cool, brand new items! The mods have released this sneak peek:

For once I’m conpletely stumped! Unless we’re going to start wearing tablecloths instead of clothes!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


CPIP Surprise

We all know about those new features, coming for the end of June (hopefully), right? The new mail system, new log in and server selection… That sort of thing! Well, entirely in secret, the CP mods have been developing something penguins have been craving for a long time!  This:

Yes, that’s right! It looks like they’re finally going to make our igloos a real part of the island!

Look out for the new features at the end of June!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Player Card Update Update

The mods have released new info about the new player card selection coming soon, here’s what they said:
Hello Penguins!

Great feedback on Penguin Mail!

Here’s the new design for the player card. The idea is to make it easier and faster for you to find the item you want.

The red X on the bottom right is a ‘clear all’ button. So when you want to remove all the items on your penguin you can just click that button instead of removing them one by one.

I also just found out that the team is working on a similar update for the furniture inventory!

Let us know what you think and what you’d change.

I’ll have more about the login feature later this week.

Until then…waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team

Looks cool, doesn’t it? It certainly doesn’t look as bad as the furniture ‘organisation!’
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Water Party Coming Soon

The Mods said the Water Party from last year will be returning again this year! This is welcome, but a bit weird: last year, the party started because a crab broke the glass in the Cave, causing a flood. This year, I don’t know what story they’ll cook up! Apparently, the party will have all our favourite features from last years, plus a few new ones. Here is a sneak peek:

Maybe the slide is a special party game? Who knows! The party will rage from June 13- 18- but it might be extended like last years! I’m guessing they’ll bring back the water wings and rubber duck, but probably the older version of these two (the orange armbands and the yellow rubber duck). But only time (and maybe Billybob) can tell!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Vid Of The Week

Welcome to Vid Of The Week, my weekly post which every week posts an awesome vid weekly (lol how many times can you write ‘week’ in one sentance!lol!). This week’s vid of the week is CPTV Episode #2 by Heatblast227- widely thought of as his best vid ever! Featuring things from Penguin Chat 3 as well as Club Penguin! Enjoy!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

What up?

Well, this is just a random post! I’ll have arrived in Wales by now and I hope I’m having a good time! I also hope you’re all be having a good day/week off (at least in Britain it’s a Bank Holiday & Half-term- I don’t know about other parts of the world!). This is a timered post- I won’t be able to get to an Internet Cafe while in Wales so ya- can’t post any news! Only timered posts! Anyway enjoy the rest of your week!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

On Holiday

Well, I’m on my way to Wales! This is a short post, because I’m timering it and I have a lot to do! I’m not putting anyone else as admin, so all the news will be posted on Saturday (when I get back) or Sunday. I’m not going to post much for the six days I’m away simply because I can’t predict the future- so I don’t know what’s going on, and because it’s a camping holiday there will be NO Internet Cafes. I hope you are enjoying the current events on Club Penguin!
Until next time…
Waddle on!