
A few days ago, my friend The Source00 spotted some mysterious black penguins, walking on the walls of the Dojo and HQ. Are these ninjas? Lets look at the pictures:

Technically, I suppose they are ninjas; seeing as what we think of as a ninja is a black penguin who can walk on walls, right? However, real Club Penguin ninjas don’t exist- they are merely hacks. How anyone could be bothered to waste their time tricking a few kids into thinking Club Penguin ninjas are real, I don’t know- but it is definately not moderator-organised.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Improvement Project On Club Penguin

Something big is going to happen on Club Penguin! This time it’s not a party or something like that, it’s going to be an improvement in the Club Penguin software. There will probably be new things to do and maybe it will be harder for hackers to hack into (yey!     😀   ). Whatever it is, it is happening next Monday. Click here and click on the eye scan thing to see the countdown to it. I hope older computers can still run it because mine is ancient!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Truth or Myth- Albino Penguins

Welcome to my weekly post which unfolds the truth of the Club Penguin Legends- this week- the Albino Penguin. The colour white (albino) is unavailable from the clothing catalogue, but it is a popular Club Penguin legend that Albino Penguins roam the island. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but these rumours are true! There is such thing as a white penguin! I have seen one with my own two eyes! But don’t think it is a good thing to see an Albino Penguin, because it is a colour only hackers (or maybe moderators) can get. I’m not going to advise you to hack and get the white colour, in fact I urge you not to! And even if I was going to advise you to do it, I don’t know the program for it! So if you do see an Albino Penguin, yes, gaze in awe, but feel sure that the mods will catch up with them sooner or later!

Tune in next Wednesday for more TRUTH OR MYTH or look in my Truth or Myth category for older editions of this weekly post.

Until next time…

Waddle on!
