New Vid Channel

I’ve made a new channel for my Club Penguin TV Channels: the Comedy Channel! Packed full of hilarious videos from some of Club Penguin’s best comedians, including Chinsetakout and theflame12! Check it out- you’ll laugh your socks off! If you think you know another vid that should be on there, don’t hesitate to ask for it! I’ll check it for bad language and stuff and it’ll be put on the channel (providing it passes the tests). Click here to see all my channels!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

AWESOME Vid Trilogy

Normally I wouldn’t post about when I add new vids to one of my channels, especially seeing as the Horror Channel only opened yesterday! But I found this AMAZING trilogy of videos, extremely well made, scary and sad all put together! Check them out on my Horror Channel (they’re at the bottom) and while you’re there, why not check out the other vids too?

Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Horror Channel

I’ve added a new channel to my Club Penguin TV Channels- the Horror Channel! A channel which can chill you’re very bones and scare even the bravest of penguins… Where boredum turns to fear and your blood begins to boil… Well, enough of my babbling, check it out for yourselves- but I must warn you- this channel is not for the faint hearted. So beware! BEWARE! Lol! Anyway, click here to go there.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New TV Channel

Remember when I said a few weeks back, when I made my new page network, Club Penguin TV Channels, that more channels would come? Well, I’ve just made my newest channel- CPTV Channel- it’s entirely devoted to the hugely popular series created by Heatblast227- with every single episode in the entire series- all 25 vids! Definately worth a look! To get there, click here or go down the pages list on the sidebar and find ‘CPTV Channel!’
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Page Network (Club Penguin TV Channels)

Sorry it took a while to make my new page network I hinted on a week or so back- I ran into a few problems but everything’s working now! Anyway, I made a new page network (the one I hinted on)! It’s not fully complete yet- but I aim to have it done by Monday! It is the Club Penguin TV Channels (sorry they don’t come in HD lol!)! Currently I only have a music channel- but soon there will be an entertainment channel, comedy channel and many more! So keep checking back! Here’s a link to the Club Penguin TV Channels- enjoy!
Until next time…
Waddle on!