New TV Channel

Remember when I said a few weeks back, when I made my new page network, Club Penguin TV Channels, that more channels would come? Well, I’ve just made my newest channel- CPTV Channel- it’s entirely devoted to the hugely popular series created by Heatblast227- with every single episode in the entire series- all 25 vids! Definately worth a look! To get there, click here or go down the pages list on the sidebar and find ‘CPTV Channel!’
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Pin

A new pin came out today! It is the goblet pin and can be found at the Coffee Shop! You have to move your mouse over the lamp it’s on so it can fall down. Here’s a picture:



It’s quite a cool pin really- it goes with the medieval theme!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

No More Music

Sonific (my blog’s music provider) has been ‘temporarily’ closed down! So I’m afraid that, at least for a while, there will be no more music on my blog- or any others across wordpress that use Sonific widgets as well! So no more rousing spanish music- and no more sonific widget!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Club Penguin Times

Sorry I’m late with this, as I’ve said I was at a sleepover, anyway, a new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out on Thursday. It is issue #131. The top stories are: ‘Migrator Mended,’ a review of the ‘Save The Migrator Project,’ ‘Town Clock Breaks Down,’ which is about the clock at the Snow Forts being broken (full report later) and the new lawn igloo design (more on that later too). Also there is another of those adverts where you choose what it says and the reports by the people who’s reports got chosen! Click here to read the paper without logging into Club Penguin!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Quest For The Golden Puffle Begins

The new stage production came out yesterday. It is Indiana Jones style and is called ‘The Quest For The Golden Puffle.’ Here’s a picture:

 There are loads of cool new clothes and the return of the lasso (they’ve returned quite a lot of old items this month). The new clothes include full Pharaoh getup, two Indiana Jones style explorer outfits and a mummy suit! Here’s my pictures of the new clothes:

Also there is a new switchbox, here’s my usual guide- look to the corresponding numbers for the descriptions:

1. Opens crocodiles’ mouths.

2. Fires snowballs from wall- even if no-one is stood there.

3. The smaller bridge breaks.

4. Sphinx’s mouth falls off.

5. Larger bridge breaks.

6. Penguin comes down the back in a cart.

7. Opens coffin.

8. Turns Golden puffle into sleeping yellow puffle.

Also, there are two sensor pads- one fires snowballs from the wall and one releases a rolling boulder.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Upgrade Exact Date + More Information

The new servers that we tested will replace Club Penguin’s older servers on 14th April. Don’t worry, there aren’t just going to be six servers! Lol! There’s going to be the same amount (probably- there might be more) with the same names. Unfortunately, Club Penguin’s going to be entirely shut down from 12:00am (Midnight) and 3pm (Penguin Standard Time). For me this means no Club Penguin for the whole day- but for some of you you will be able to go on despite the downtime. The new servers will be faster and more efficient, and some new features might be coming with them… Stay tuned!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Contest, Updated Music Chart and Other Stuff

There is a new contest on my ‘Weekly Contest’ page: a jokes contest! If you win you get to choose which of the four great prizes you want to win! Also, I have updated the ‘Club Penguin Music Charts’ page with this week’s top ten pieces of music! ‘Jet Pack Adventure Music’ is still top, but a lot has changed lower down! See last week’s chart underneath it to see the differences. Also, I have some new sonific music for my sonific songspot on my blog’s sidebar, instead of doing what everyone is doing and what I did before: putting newer, more popular music on, (such as ‘Hey There Delilah’ by the Plain White T’s, or ‘Dirty Little Secret’ by the All American rejects, which is fine by me, I’m not insulting it- in fact I love those songs) I decided to try something a little different! I hope you’ll agree that the pieces of music I chose are pretty good! And finally, I ended last week’s poll and posted the results on the sidebar, and then put a link to my new poll. Try the new poll!
Until next time…
Waddle on!


THERE HAS BEEN A MAJOR SERVER CRASH ON CLUB PENGUIN! ALL SERVERS DOWN! REPEAT, ALL SERVERS ARE DOWN! NOBODY CAN GET ON CLUB PENGUIN! THE WORLD IS ENDING! Well, maybe the world isn’t ending but this really is happening! Arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No-one can get in! HELP! WHO CAN HELP US NOW? SAVE US!
Until next time…
Waddle on!