Party Cancelled

I was saying yesterday that I was having great troubles on Club Penguin with my penguin, Bodge101. I can’t even log on! If it doesn’t work by Friday I may have to ask one of my trusted friends to log on for me and get the Penguin Games stuff! Bodge102 is still working perfectly, so I think it’s my computer having a problem with the amount of stuff my penguin owns. I could conduct the party with just Bodge102, but I don’t think it would be the same without Bodge101. Hopefully the error will be fixed in time for my 100,000 Hits Party, but, now, I’m afraid the party is cancelled.

In other news: (Olympic-wise) team GB are third on the medals table- just below the USA! We’re doing brilliantly, and, I have to say, if Britain was three times larger in land and population, we would be top!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


75,000 Hits Party Invitation

My 75,000 Hits Party is this Sunday! We’re gonna have a great time: dancing, eating cake, sledding and much more, and- the icing on the cake (just an expression)- the whole party is going to be filmed by a mystery guest (probably Chinsetakout 😆 ). Here’s your invitation:

In case you can’t read it, here’s what it says:
Bodge101’s 75,000 Hits Party
When: Sunday 17th at 10:30am PST
Where: Matterhorn (the party server) starting at Bodge101’s igloo on the map.
Who: Anyone and everyone can come!
Why: 75,000 hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How: Waddle over to my igloo!
The party will be pirate-themed. There will be a costume contest and we will play lots of games of Sled-Racing, Find Four and Hockey, along with the usual dancing and cake eating! The whole party will be filmed and put on my site and Youtube! Don’t miss it!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Music Festival Sneak Peek

Looking forward to the music festival? I sure am! It sounds like it’s gonna be the biggest party since the Fall Fair of 2007! Man, that was one good party… Anyway, I have an ‘exlusive’ (well, not very exclusive really) sneak peek of the Forest, all decked out in musical decorations for the party:

It looks like Country Western decorations- judging by the Cacti (and the file name)- I can’t wait to see what other styles of music there are at the festival! The party starts on July 25th!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Vid Of The Week

Welcome to Vid Of The Week, my weekly post that features one fantastic Club Penguin video every week! But bear in mind: it’s not always the ones you’ll expect! This week’s Vid Of The Week is Party Like A Rockstar– Club Penguin by Epk1112! There’s some pretty good effects and the words are all about right. Enjoy!

Click this link to watch it large screen:

Tune in next week for yet another Vid Of The Week!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

50,000 Hits!!!!!!!!

My site has reached the noble milestone of 50,000 hits at last! I will DEFINATELY be having a party- but it will be next weekend- not this weekend! Also, I think I will hold a massive contest with prizes such as admin for a day and penguin account giveaways! So keep checking back in the coming week for more info on these events. I’d like to thank you all for visiting and helping me reach my 50,000 hit milestone!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Water Party Funny Pics

As I said during the Medieval Party, I am going to make funny pics for every party! The Water Party is quite hard to find funny stuff in; much harder than the Medieval Party! But I still; think I managed some good pics, even if I don’t have as many! Enjoy!

Who flooded the pitch?

Please tell me what you thought of them by commenting below!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

1 Year Party Pics Slideshow

It was my 1 Year Party last Sunday! I took loads of pics and I hope everyone had a good time! As usual it took me a while to publish the pictures, as I have a lot of other stuff to do as well. Anyway, I’ve made a slideshow (with captions) of them all! Here it is:

I think that might’ve been my best party yet: I certainly had a good time!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

The Water Party Returns & Secret Party Room

As you can probably guess from the title, the Water Party has returned at last! I’m expecting it to become a regular party like the Winter Fiesta or the Hallowe’en Party! This years is very much like last years- except there are some new features, such as interactive hoses in every room, and instead of the flooding in the Underground, there is a museum about last years flooding! Well worth a look!

Along with all this, there are three free items- the Yellow Inflatable Duck, the Ice Cream Apron (which I already had) and, a new one, the Shell Necklace!

Here’s where you can find them:

The Yellow Inflatable Duck is at the Cove:

The Ice Cream Apron is at the Plaza:

And the Shell Necklace is at the Beach:

And finally, there is a hidden party room on the left side of the Iceberg:

Check out the decorations- they’re awesome, and the snowballs are water balloons! I think this year’s is even better than last years!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Party Success

Well, my party just finished, and was a great success- but not in the way I planned! The start was slow, but when we got to the Cove, by the campfire, we were surrounded by massive crowds: singing songs and shouting out emotes- there was even an angry lifeguard! We all had a great time! I met loads of new people and made loads of new buddies! Lucky I cleared up my buddy list a bit yesterday!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Party Reminder

It’s my party in an hour! Here’s a quick reminder:

I didn’t mention it before but there will be sledding, hockey, find four… lots of other features too! Costume contest results will be put on this site after the party!
Until next time…
Waddle on!