New Features At Last

Finally, after several months of excited anticipation, the new features have arrived! And let me tell you… There’s lots of them (more than we thought), and they’re fantastic… Well… all but one, in my opinion- but you might disagree.

The first new feature you’ll notice is the new login and server selection. If you had penguins or passwords saved onto your computer, I’m afraid you’ll have to resave them. A pain, I know, but easily tolerable! Anyway, here’s what it looks like:

The green is a little putrid, if you ask me; and that is the only thing I have found wrong with this feature. If they’d’ve kept the old ‘faces’ thing, I would have preferred it: the green lines are just ugly! If you click ‘more servers,’ it shows you all the servers in alphabetical order. So it looks like there is no longer servers for different countries.

This could make a lot of the front page servers more popular, and maybe diminish the popularity of ones low down in the alphabet such as Mammoth. We’ll have to wait and see!

Probably the second one you’ll notice once you’re logged on is the new Penguin Mail system, which is a lot different to the old postcard system.

The first bit of mail you get will be an introductory message, from which you can recieve your free blue mailbag:

Now, of course, for one of the most anticipated of all the new features: the new clothes selection! It is much the same as the mods said it would be like:

When you open up your player card, the clothes will fade in.

Now for a small, but reasonably noticable one: the spyphone above the map (only for agents). The mods probably realised no-one used the spyphone when it was stuck in their player card- the map was easier- so they moved it! And I have to say- it looks good where it is:

Now for the new igloo setting- it’s much easier to see from a non-member’s igloo (ignore the puffles- they’re mine and it’s some sort of glitch):

If you open up the ‘Member’s Igloos’ section on the map, it doesn’t just show you a list anymore:

If you hover your mouse over a picture of an igloo, it will tell you who’s it is.

There is a tiny little change wit hteh fund button on a friend’s player card- it is now a question mark:

Finally, there have been various changes to the igloo edit options on the right side of your igloo screen.

One is very small: as a post to ‘open’ and ‘close’ igloo when you click the padlock, it now says ‘lock’ and ‘unlock.’

Another is also small, but more noticable:

They’ve replaced the ‘stop edit’ button with a ‘save’ button!

They’ve changed the background while you’re editing to a weird grid thing:

They’ve scrapped the old ‘organised’ storage (thank goodness) and adopted something similar to the new clothes selection:

And they’ve scrapped the entire old design of the storage, to be replaced with a ‘cleaner’ (uglier) design:

Well, I think that’s finally it! Wow- that’s a lot of new features (other than a few small changes to text size and font here and there)- looks like Disney’s trying to change a lot! Sorry this post is so long- but if you think reading it took a long time, imagine what it would be like for me writing it! Well, I’m worn out after writing this post, but I’m glad all the new features came at last! Does this mean CPIP is over?

Until next time…
Waddle on!

P.S. If you’re wondering how I had enough time to write all this, I have a day of school today and tomorrow because of a ‘Unison’ strike! YES!

Further Disappointment

Guess what? The new feature release has been postponed again! I appreciate that they’re trying to make everything run smoothly, and stop a disaster similar to the ‘loss of items’ disaster- but this is just taking too long! They’ve been constantly postponing and postponing them for the last two months! Hopefully they will come out later this week… We’ll just have to wait and see!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Party Reminder

It’s my party in an hour! Here’s a quick reminder:

I didn’t mention it before but there will be sledding, hockey, find four… lots of other features too! Costume contest results will be put on this site after the party!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Feature Coming Soon- New Log In & Server Selection

The mods have announced another of the new features- a new log in and server selection (I know- quite a mouthful)! Here’s their post about it, from the CPIP blog:

Hello Penguins!

Meeting up with buddies in Club Penguin is really important–I know because it’s something a lot of you say is difficult right now. In fact, it has been on of the top things suggested for improvement from many players! Your feedback on this issue has been a huge help. The team knew right away that one of the first improvements they wanted to work on was to make it easier to find your buddies when logging into Club Penguin.

Some of you had great ideas about making the login function better–a popular one was grouping worlds based on those you visit most often!

That’s part of what the team is working on right now. They are totally rebuilding the way you login to Club Penguin! The new login feature will make it a lot easier to locate your friends online–and the worlds will be grouped in a way that will help you stick with the buddies you play with most often.

The feature is still being worked on and as always, any suggestions or ideas you have will help make Club Penguin even better! So let us know what you think!

Until then…waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team

Sounds cool! But then what if one of your buddies is on who you haven’t seen for ages and the server they are on is bottom of the list? Oh, well, I’m sure it’ll be a BIG improvement!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Vid Of The Week

Welcome to my new weekly feature- vid of the week- where I’ll post a different awesome Club Penguin vid every week! It might not always be the famous ones you expect… so you may be surprised!
Bu this time… you won’t be! It’s the Club Penguin Bad Day video by Tehkraziboi- the most famous Club Penguin vid of all!

Well, tune in next week for another ‘Vid Of The Week!’
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Weekly Feature

I don’t like Wednesdays (in CP terms)- it’s a day between the excitement of the weekend and the new paper on Thursdays. That’s why I’ve decided to do a regular feature every Wednesday- so people have something to do (in CP terms- lol! I keep having to say that!) between weekends and Thursdays! So, ya! I’ll make the first one soon, just thought I’d notify ya’ll!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Penguin Mail- A New Feature!

The moderators have announced another of the new features to be added at the end of May! They will be making some big updates to the current postcard system in Club Penguin! These updates will include being able to save postcards sent to you and sending postcards to people when they are not online. I’m also hoping you will be able to make your own postcards from a set of assets and make them about what you want (they’d have to be moderated though- of course!)! That would be soooooooooooooo cool! Also I think you should be able to write letters too (although these would be moderated too- sighs!)! Anyway, there will be more info on this later in the month!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today! It is issue #134! The top stories are: ‘Party Planners Plan Shindig,’ which is about the upcoming party (although they don’t confirm what it will be); ‘The Three Club Penguin Knights,’ which is a story to advertise the current gift shop catalogue and ‘Contest Closed,’ which is last week’s writing contest page covered in yellow tape that says ‘Contest Closed’ and a small note. The underground is in this week’s ‘In Focus’ and there is a ‘Puzzle Shuffle’ in the back. As well as all this there are all the usual features!

To read the paper without logging into Club Peguin, click here!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Events In May

Club Penguin is a very busy place, and lots of updates and events happen every month- especially in these months of CPIP! Here are some events you can look forward to during this month:
– A MASSIVE party!!! (the medieval party- more on that later this week)
– New furniture catalogue (it will be related to the upcoming party this month!)
– Igloo contest!
– New puffle furniture!
– New books written by some of us!
– New features (check out the CPIP blog ( for more info!)

We sure have a lot to look forward to!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Cool Video (Featuring Me!!!!!!!!!!)

Hey everyone! Here’s a cool video made by one of my Club Penguin buddies, Beanheadr2- he does vids on Youtube! And guess who this vid features??? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooooooo! Ahem! Here’s the vid:

Cool innit? Well that’s all I’m afraid! Oh, ya, one more thing, sorry I haven’t posted my 25,000 Hits Party pics yet I’ve been UNBELIEVABLY busy! Same goes for the Music Charts- although they should be up soon!
Until next time…
Waddle on!