75,000 Hits Party Invitation

My 75,000 Hits Party is this Sunday! We’re gonna have a great time: dancing, eating cake, sledding and much more, and- the icing on the cake (just an expression)- the whole party is going to be filmed by a mystery guest (probably Chinsetakout 😆 ). Here’s your invitation:

In case you can’t read it, here’s what it says:
Bodge101’s 75,000 Hits Party
When: Sunday 17th at 10:30am PST
Where: Matterhorn (the party server) starting at Bodge101’s igloo on the map.
Who: Anyone and everyone can come!
Why: 75,000 hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How: Waddle over to my igloo!
The party will be pirate-themed. There will be a costume contest and we will play lots of games of Sled-Racing, Find Four and Hockey, along with the usual dancing and cake eating! The whole party will be filmed and put on my site and Youtube! Don’t miss it!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Igloo Selection Update

Looks like the mods realised their new members’ igloo selection wasn’t as good as the old, for they’ve now combined the two to make one ULTIMATE members’ igloo selection screen- the only way they could make it better is to add the different shapes and sizes of igloo into the display (Eg. castles and snowglobes). Anyway, here’s what the new display looks like:

Check it out!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Music & New Furniture Catalogue + Secret Items

The new igloo music and new furniture catalogue came out today. The catalogue is packed full of new and old musical furniture- here’s some pics of them:

There are four secret items this month:

1. Click on the Upright Piano’s keys for the Guitar Stand:

2. To find the Vegetable Garden, click on the Coffee Shop Tree:

3. Click on the coconuts on the Palm Tree to find the Flowering Plant:

4. Click on the Sea Weed for the Clam:

That’s all of this week’s secrets! Now onto the new igloo music!

The new music is the Medieval Town music, the Fiesta music and the Aqua Grabber music. Sadly though, they’ve got rid of the Heavy Rock music!

That’s all for now!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Features At Last

Finally, after several months of excited anticipation, the new features have arrived! And let me tell you… There’s lots of them (more than we thought), and they’re fantastic… Well… all but one, in my opinion- but you might disagree.

The first new feature you’ll notice is the new login and server selection. If you had penguins or passwords saved onto your computer, I’m afraid you’ll have to resave them. A pain, I know, but easily tolerable! Anyway, here’s what it looks like:

The green is a little putrid, if you ask me; and that is the only thing I have found wrong with this feature. If they’d’ve kept the old ‘faces’ thing, I would have preferred it: the green lines are just ugly! If you click ‘more servers,’ it shows you all the servers in alphabetical order. So it looks like there is no longer servers for different countries.

This could make a lot of the front page servers more popular, and maybe diminish the popularity of ones low down in the alphabet such as Mammoth. We’ll have to wait and see!

Probably the second one you’ll notice once you’re logged on is the new Penguin Mail system, which is a lot different to the old postcard system.

The first bit of mail you get will be an introductory message, from which you can recieve your free blue mailbag:

Now, of course, for one of the most anticipated of all the new features: the new clothes selection! It is much the same as the mods said it would be like:

When you open up your player card, the clothes will fade in.

Now for a small, but reasonably noticable one: the spyphone above the map (only for agents). The mods probably realised no-one used the spyphone when it was stuck in their player card- the map was easier- so they moved it! And I have to say- it looks good where it is:

Now for the new igloo setting- it’s much easier to see from a non-member’s igloo (ignore the puffles- they’re mine and it’s some sort of glitch):

If you open up the ‘Member’s Igloos’ section on the map, it doesn’t just show you a list anymore:

If you hover your mouse over a picture of an igloo, it will tell you who’s it is.

There is a tiny little change wit hteh fund button on a friend’s player card- it is now a question mark:

Finally, there have been various changes to the igloo edit options on the right side of your igloo screen.

One is very small: as a post to ‘open’ and ‘close’ igloo when you click the padlock, it now says ‘lock’ and ‘unlock.’

Another is also small, but more noticable:

They’ve replaced the ‘stop edit’ button with a ‘save’ button!

They’ve changed the background while you’re editing to a weird grid thing:

They’ve scrapped the old ‘organised’ storage (thank goodness) and adopted something similar to the new clothes selection:

And they’ve scrapped the entire old design of the storage, to be replaced with a ‘cleaner’ (uglier) design:

Well, I think that’s finally it! Wow- that’s a lot of new features (other than a few small changes to text size and font here and there)- looks like Disney’s trying to change a lot! Sorry this post is so long- but if you think reading it took a long time, imagine what it would be like for me writing it! Well, I’m worn out after writing this post, but I’m glad all the new features came at last! Does this mean CPIP is over?

Until next time…
Waddle on!

P.S. If you’re wondering how I had enough time to write all this, I have a day of school today and tomorrow because of a ‘Unison’ strike! YES!

CPIP Surprise

We all know about those new features, coming for the end of June (hopefully), right? The new mail system, new log in and server selection… That sort of thing! Well, entirely in secret, the CP mods have been developing something penguins have been craving for a long time!  This:

Yes, that’s right! It looks like they’re finally going to make our igloos a real part of the island!

Look out for the new features at the end of June!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Contest Winners

The winners of the story contest and the igloo contest have been announced! I don’t think the igloo contest was very well organised- they didn’t even say whether you had to open your igloo or not! And as for the story contest, I have my suspicions that the stories are written by mods! But, still, the stories are good (although I prefer mine) and the winners were:

Chochypop with ‘The Day My Puffle Went On An Adventure’ (not a very original title- is it?)

Sammysays with ‘All In A Days Work’ (about the secret mission- this one doesn’t tie up all the loose ends)

And Lolliepops10 with ‘My Puffle’s Party’ (which doesn’t really describe how the puffle organised the party)

All of them need some improvement, but they were quite good stories- so congratulations to those winners (even if you are mods).

Anyway, moving on to the Igloo Contest…

10 more winners than originally said (even by Billybob) were selected- with a total of 30 winners overall! The top ten recieved 25,000 coins and the other twenty recieved 15,000. Only the top ten got featured in the paper though! The top ten winners are:

& Puffinnboo

To see the actual igloos of the winners, read the newspaper! Click here to read it without logging in to Club Penguin.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Igloo Contest Prize Change- The Contest Gets Juicy!

The moderators are calling the Medieval Party the ‘Biggest Party ever!’ If you ask me, the Fall Fair still wins hands down! But there is no doubt- this is one great party! To celebrate, the mods have already made it last longer, and now, they’ve made the contest the biggest one ever! 20 winners will now be picked- the top 10 will win 25,000 coins- 15,000 more than the usual; and the other 10 will get 15,000! So the stakes are very high! If you haven’t entered already- do it now!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Catalogues + Catalogue Secrets

THREE new catalogues came out yesterday! Puffle Furniture, Furniture and Igloo Upgrade! There is heaps of new stuff available! Here are some pics of the AWESOME new stuff (and returning stuff):

The Furniture Catalogue

The Pet Furniture Catalogue

And, finally, the Igloo Upgrade catalogue:

Here are the secrets:

For the Furniture Catalogue:
1. The Palm Tree can be found by clicking on the ‘P’ at the start of ‘Plants’:

2. Two secret items on one page? I don’t think that’s ever happened before! Anyway, the Coffee Shop Tree can be found by clicking on the Large Houseplant:

3. The Plush Grey Chair can be found by clicking on the green vase:

4. The Inflatable Dragon can be found by clicking on the door of the pink model castle:

5. The Cake can be found by clicking on the sink part of the Kitchen sink (which is in clearance along with all the other kitchen items 😯 ):

Whew! That was a lot of secrets! Now… Lets move onto the Puffle Catalogue secret! There’s only one of those (thank goodness lol)! You can find the Grey Puffle House by clicking on the splodge of dirt I encircled:

Igloo Upgrades- only two more secrets and we’re done! Finally!
1. Click on the Crowbar to find the Secret Stone Igloo:

2. Click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo to get the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo:

Well, that’s all three catalogues: the new stuff, the cheats- everything! Happy shopping!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Furniture Catalogue Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of tomorrow’s furniture catalogue- it doesn’t look like there’s much new stuff- but looks can be decieving! It’s mainly the old medieval stuff! Anyway, here’s that sneak peek:

Looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Better start saving up those coins!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Trip To Wales

Sorry everyone, but I’m going on holiday again- this time to Wales on a camping/sight-seeing trip! I’m going on Sunday (not in the morning so I’ll still be able to post then) and coming back in a week! Luckily, I don’t think anything too signifigant is happening on Club Penguin during that time- no parties, new rooms etc. Although the chances are I’ll miss the igloo contest 😦 . Anyway, I might be letting Kimi 07 be a temporary admin- I’m not sure- I’ll think about it! Either that or I’ll just post really late lol! Also I might put a few posts on time… As I say I’ll think about it!
Until next time…
Waddle on!