New Club Penguin Times

Sorry I’m late with this, as I’ve said I was at a sleepover, anyway, a new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out on Thursday. It is issue #131. The top stories are: ‘Migrator Mended,’ a review of the ‘Save The Migrator Project,’ ‘Town Clock Breaks Down,’ which is about the clock at the Snow Forts being broken (full report later) and the new lawn igloo design (more on that later too). Also there is another of those adverts where you choose what it says and the reports by the people who’s reports got chosen! Click here to read the paper without logging into Club Penguin!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

I Am Not Alone

Well, I just found out that I’m not the only one who’s lost all their items on their player card- in fact there are lots of us! If you see a dark blue penguin wearing nothing then chances are that person is victim of the same terrible bug. I went round a few rooms on Belly Slide server and I spotted no fewer than THREE of us! I’ve contacted the mods THREE times (my english teacher said repeating stuff three times helped people remember stuff lol)- once as ‘General Support’ and twice as ‘Report A Bug.’ Now I know there are more of us I am sure Club Penguin will be fixing it- so I’m a lot more cheerful again now!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today. It is issue #130 and the top stories are: ‘Ready Reporters Readily Requested,’which is about the new feature in the paper where you write your own articles; ‘In The Spotlight,’which is about all the things you can do at the stage apart from act and ‘Migrator Is Ship Shape,’ which is about the Migrator being fully constructed and the attempts to contact Rockhopper by sending flares to attract his attention. The ‘In Focus’ room is the Pizza Parlour and there is a random ‘Rebuild The Migrator’ pirate puzzle near the end. To read all these things and more without logging onto Club Penguin, click here.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Test Servers

The countdown at the CPIP (Club Penguin Improvement Project) has been replaced with server testing. It is like being a beta tester, except that the penguin isn’t permanent which means there is no point of giving out a free item for them (although there is some talk that they might do it for your normal penguin). They are currently testing their two new servers (currently called test servers 1 and 2) for bugs, and if you find one you need to report it. It is just like normal Club Penguin- except the penguin you need is a clone and it is faster! If you are a member on normal Club Penguin you are one on the test one too- just without all your items! To help the moderators out by testing the new servers, click here and click on the eye scan, then click on the section about server tests.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Aqua Grabber: Full Report

I realised today that I hadn’t fully reported on the new game, Aqua Grabber. I only did a brief post about it! Anyway, here’s my full report about it!

Aqua Grabber came out at the Iceberg last Tuesday. You click on the sub to play it. Here is a picture of it at the Iceberg:


The aim of the game is to pick up the pieces of Rockhopper’s ship one by one out of the sea and deposit them into the net near the surface. You navigate the submarine using the arrow keys and press space to pick the pieces up. The sub runs on air, and if you run out of air you get evacuated up to the top in a sort of escape pod. You can get more air by collecting the bubbles that come up occasionally from certain places or by surfacing at the top or at one of the two surface points in other parts of the game. You will slowly take on water throughout the game- this is your air running out. If you bump into something you’ll lose air. The less air you have the slower you will move. When the sub is full of water you can last about twenty seconds before you get evacuated. When you win, writing will come across the screen saying ‘All Ship Parts Collected’. When this comes up DON’T press the ‘x’. A short video will come up after you wait a while, then this screen will come up:


It might take a while for everything to appear when you win. Just be patient! When this screen comes up, click ‘get pin’ and then when it’s been added to your inventory press ‘finish game’.

To play the game without logging into Club Penguin, click here.

To listen to the music, click here.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Paper

A new issue of the Penguin Times was released today. It is issue #118, here is a picture of the front page:


The top stories are:  Migrator Crashes, about Rockhopper’s shipwreck! Read more about this crash in my post ‘Shipwrecked’ and Winter Fiesta-val, an advert for tomorrow’s party:


 The featured game is Ice Hockey and the Aunt Arctic questions are: Gift Shop Swap, about the smaller catalog in the Gift Shop and whether or not they are running out of items and Report Support, asking if you can get in trouble for reporting someone. Also on the Aunt Arctic page is a secret coded message:


For the decoded version, visit my ‘Secret Message’ post. Anyway, on with the paper! The tips and secrets page says about special dances. Also, there are the usual jokes, riddles and poems and the events page:


As well as the new comic (click to enlarge):


That’s all from me for now!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
