April Wrap-Up

I’m going to start doing wrap-ups at the end of every month! A wrap-up is basically a post where you announce the stats of that month! Anyway, here is last month’s wrap-up!

April was a good month for my blog- my fifth month all together!

11,324 hits just in April.

New best day ever (Monday, April 14th) with 1,380 hits in one day!

Most popular post/page: Club Penguin Music Charts (for something like the third month running (since I made it))

556 approved comments just last month

Top searches: ‘Club Penguin Tips’, ‘clockwork repairs’ and ‘Club Penguin ninjas.’

72 posts- that’s 28 more than last month!

Well, that’s a wrap for last month’s wrap-up!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

PST Changed (Again)

Guess what? PST (Penguin Standard Time) has changed back again! For over a week it’s been broken (although the clock’s been repaired) and has been running on everyone’s local time! Finally, it has returned to normal! Thank goodness! I don’t want to end up even more confused!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Bodge Library Fully Working & New Short Story

As you may have guessed from the title, the Bodge Library, my massive network of fun stories, guides, archives and much more is now fully running! Click here to go there! Also I now have a new short story for the library, it’s called ‘Bodge’s New Job,’ please tell me what you think! To read it, click here!

In Club Penguin news, the Saint Patrick’s Day Party is over.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Fiesta Party Over

The Fiesta party is over now, after running for one more day than it was meant to. It was a good party, but sadly there was only one free item (excluding the pin). There were some wonderful decorations around Club Penguin. For pictures of them, see my ‘Fiesta Party Slideshow’ in my parties category.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Paper

A new issue of the Penguin Times was released today. It is issue #118, here is a picture of the front page:


The top stories are:  Migrator Crashes, about Rockhopper’s shipwreck! Read more about this crash in my post ‘Shipwrecked’ and Winter Fiesta-val, an advert for tomorrow’s party:


 The featured game is Ice Hockey and the Aunt Arctic questions are: Gift Shop Swap, about the smaller catalog in the Gift Shop and whether or not they are running out of items and Report Support, asking if you can get in trouble for reporting someone. Also on the Aunt Arctic page is a secret coded message:


For the decoded version, visit my ‘Secret Message’ post. Anyway, on with the paper! The tips and secrets page says about special dances. Also, there are the usual jokes, riddles and poems and the events page:


As well as the new comic (click to enlarge):


That’s all from me for now!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
