Pink Dominates The Dock

As promised, the decorations at the Dock have changed- but I definately preferred them as they were before! They look like a larger version of the ones at the Beach, covered in pink! Ahhhhh!!!!!! Thankfully, they didn’t change the backstage to match, and I think that every different theme across the island will have it’s turn at the Dock, so just wait for your favourite one to come round- then you can PARTY DOWN! Anyway here’s a picture:

When you stand on the stage the music starts up and the lights start flashing. Not a great colour, but still a great party! I wonder what’ll arrive at the Dock next?

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Furniture Catalogue Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of tomorrow’s furniture catalogue- it doesn’t look like there’s much new stuff- but looks can be decieving! It’s mainly the old medieval stuff! Anyway, here’s that sneak peek:

Looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Better start saving up those coins!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Club Penguin Party At ZSL London Zoo- Pictures & Videos

I’ve no Idea why I didn’t post this before- I guess I kinda forgot! Well, on May 3rd (long time ago now- 17 days!) there was the massive party at ZSL London Zoo! I couldn’t go: I don’t live in the London area and anyway, you had to get tickets (although they didn’t tell anyone that!). At the party, as you’ll probably know, there were loads of fun activities such as feeding real penguins! I managed to gather together some exclusive footage and images from the internet… Enjoy!

Ok, here’s the best of the vids I found on Youtube- vid by Team Club Penguin cheats. They were all basically the same, so I chose the one wit hteh best transitions and effects!

<object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>

I these pictures were originally taken by Fishy Boy 15, but have been passed around a lot since then!

The Entrance
At the entrance the Night Club Party Bass was playing! The walls were covered in stickers and there was a huge, awesome Club Penguin map on the wall which was different to the usual one…

This is the actual party room. There were all the rooms on the walls and things to do or have at every place. Here are just some of them:

The Town

The Stage (Mmmm! Popcorn!)

The Pizza Parlour- You could make your own Candy Pizzas!

The Snow Forts- At the back you could throw snowballs at targets!

Ski Village/Mountain- Igloo building! This party looks cool!

Another attraction was… Of course… The film crews! Kids had to sign papers to get on TV.

Finally, you were taught the Club Penguin dance by the staff at the Night Club!

Also, people who went got free puffle toys/keyrings (You know? From the shop!)! All in all, it must have been a great party!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Medieval Party (Including Free Item and Party Room)

Well, the Medieval Party is here at last! And those decorations don’t disappoint! They’re everything we expected and more! When I went on I was surprised to find a secret party room- which, I believe, has featured in a party before (Fall Fair maybe? I can’t remember- but I’m sure I remember it (as in the room- not which party it was lol!)!). Here’s a picture of it decked out in Medieval fashion:

The free item is the Squire’s Tunic, which is at the Dock: they seem to be giving a lot of body items away- wonder why?

Also, here are some pictures of some of my favourite decorations in the whole party (including the mine, where the dragon is with it’s switchbox.

These decorations sure are cool! I’m loving this party!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

April Fool’s Day Party Slideshow

The April Fool’s Day Party has been awesome, hasn’t it! All those awesome decorations and free items! I made a slideshow of all my pictures of all the decorated rooms! Enjoy!

Pity it ends tomorrow! 😦 Oh well!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Party Thanks

As is my custom, I would like to thank a few people who made my 5000 Hits Party the huge success it was:

Firstly, I would like to thank Nicereddy of the Club Penguin Trio for letting us use his igloo for part of the party! The decorations were fabulous- as you will have seen if you’ve watched my ‘Party Pics Slideshow’ (his igloo was the one in the last few pics) or if you went to my party.

Secondly, I’d like to thank Californya63 and Nicereddy (again) for staerting off our karaoke singing.

Thirdly, I’d like to thank Kimi 07, even though he came late, for providing some of the entertainment as Kimi the Klown.

Penultimately (second-last-ly), I’d like to thank interiordes3, oldgreggmate, Californya63 (again) and Nicereddy (yet again) for staying with the party right through to the end.

And finally, I’d like to thank all my party guests- it wouldn’t have been a party without them!

Until next time…
Waddle on!

Sub-Marine Party And New Pin

The massive Sub-Marine Party has hit Club Penguin! The decorations are SO cool! Check out the Night Club! There are two free items: the seashell belt and the yellow snorkel. The seashell belt is at the Book Room:


The yellow snorkel is at the forest:


Here is what they look like on your player card:


The new pin is at the cove, but it moves around- it stays in the cove, it just changes it’s exact position. It will stay in the highlighted area on the picture below. It is the anchor pin. Click the picture below to enlarge.


That’s all for now!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


3000 Hits Party

I’ve reached 3000 hits on my blog- and we’re having a party to celebrate! This time I thought I’d try something a little different to the usual disco party! I’ll probably go for a Funfair type of party, with lots of colourful decorations and the Fall Fair decor! The party will be this Saturday at 10:00am PST (Penguin Standard Time) at my igloo (bodge101’s igloo on the map) on server Brumby (Australia(because it will be almost empty at that time)) we will still have dancing, eating cake and iceberg tipping, but also we will go sledding, play hockey and have snowball fights! It’s gonna be a blast! I will post the official invitation later this week!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Decorating Tips #6

Need help decorating your igloo? Well look no further! You’ve come to the right place for top-notch decorating tips! Read on for some more fabulous tips, with the 6th edition of this weekly column:

Tip 1

Try to play music in your igloo- it makes it more fun for visitors.

Tip 2

Upgrade your igloo for seasonal changes- unless you have a constant theme or run a business in your igloo.

Tip 3

Change your flooring every now and again- you might find one you really like.

That’s all for now! For more top-notch decorating tips go to my decorating tips category for my older posts, also, tune in next Monday for some new ones!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Fiesta Party Over

The Fiesta party is over now, after running for one more day than it was meant to. It was a good party, but sadly there was only one free item (excluding the pin). There were some wonderful decorations around Club Penguin. For pictures of them, see my ‘Fiesta Party Slideshow’ in my parties category.

Until next time…

Waddle on!
