New Catalogues + Catalogue Secrets

THREE new catalogues came out yesterday! Puffle Furniture, Furniture and Igloo Upgrade! There is heaps of new stuff available! Here are some pics of the AWESOME new stuff (and returning stuff):

The Furniture Catalogue

The Pet Furniture Catalogue

And, finally, the Igloo Upgrade catalogue:

Here are the secrets:

For the Furniture Catalogue:
1. The Palm Tree can be found by clicking on the ‘P’ at the start of ‘Plants’:

2. Two secret items on one page? I don’t think that’s ever happened before! Anyway, the Coffee Shop Tree can be found by clicking on the Large Houseplant:

3. The Plush Grey Chair can be found by clicking on the green vase:

4. The Inflatable Dragon can be found by clicking on the door of the pink model castle:

5. The Cake can be found by clicking on the sink part of the Kitchen sink (which is in clearance along with all the other kitchen items 😯 ):

Whew! That was a lot of secrets! Now… Lets move onto the Puffle Catalogue secret! There’s only one of those (thank goodness lol)! You can find the Grey Puffle House by clicking on the splodge of dirt I encircled:

Igloo Upgrades- only two more secrets and we’re done! Finally!
1. Click on the Crowbar to find the Secret Stone Igloo:

2. Click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo to get the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo:

Well, that’s all three catalogues: the new stuff, the cheats- everything! Happy shopping!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Furniture Catalogue Sneak Peek

Here’s a sneak peek of tomorrow’s furniture catalogue- it doesn’t look like there’s much new stuff- but looks can be decieving! It’s mainly the old medieval stuff! Anyway, here’s that sneak peek:

Looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Better start saving up those coins!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Medieval Party Funny Pics

Ok, well, I made some funny pics with the Medieval Party- I’ll probably do it for every party now- I enjoyed it! I made quite a few and I think they’re pretty funny, here they are (with captions- of course! (Click on the pictures to enlarge)):

Aaaaaahhh! Hot hot hot! Bad dragon!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, will I become famous?

Who made all this mess?

Who’d like a tour?

All I did was nick a slice of pizza!

It’s gonna eat me!

I’m rich!

I hope you enjoyed them! They’ll go on the ‘Funny Pics’ page when the party is over!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Medieval Party (Including Free Item and Party Room)

Well, the Medieval Party is here at last! And those decorations don’t disappoint! They’re everything we expected and more! When I went on I was surprised to find a secret party room- which, I believe, has featured in a party before (Fall Fair maybe? I can’t remember- but I’m sure I remember it (as in the room- not which party it was lol!)!). Here’s a picture of it decked out in Medieval fashion:

The free item is the Squire’s Tunic, which is at the Dock: they seem to be giving a lot of body items away- wonder why?

Also, here are some pictures of some of my favourite decorations in the whole party (including the mine, where the dragon is with it’s switchbox.

These decorations sure are cool! I’m loving this party!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Pin

A new pin came out today! It is the goblet pin and can be found at the Coffee Shop! You have to move your mouse over the lamp it’s on so it can fall down. Here’s a picture:



It’s quite a cool pin really- it goes with the medieval theme!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

25,000 Hits Party Costume Contest Results

Me and The Source have conferred (although he wasn’t there long so he didn’t see all the entries) and have both nominated the costumes we thought were the best. Here are the results:

In first place, nominated by both myself and The Source, is:
Interiordes3! Here’s a picture of her costume:

In second place are:
And Jayman5000 (no picture- but we both saw his fabulous costume- he left before I took the pictures)

Well done to all our winners! All the party pictures should be in a slideshow tomorrow. I’ve just got to convert them all into jpegs!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Room Sneak Peek

There’s a brand new room next week! I can’t wait! The Rockhopper party is only a weekend one but I’m not sure whether that means the Migrator is leaving or not! If it is leaving at the end of the party then the new room isn’t the Captain’s Quarters- but judging by the style of the small sneak peek of the room we have (Migrator Style)- I’d say the new room is the Captain’s Quarters, and that Rockhopper’s going to stay for at least a week! Anyway, here’s that sneak peek:

Looks cool, doesn’t it?

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin New Site Design & ‘Faster’ Servers

Well the new site design for the main site is here and it looks pretty good- at first glance! There are A LOT of problems with it:

For one thing, there isn’t a poll anymore- it was one of my favourite things to do.

For another, the ‘Help’ section often isn’t working- so if you require help- it’s hard to get it!

And another is that the ‘faster’ servers don’t seem any faster at all!

Here’s a picture of the main site:

It’s only really the homepage that’s any different- and I preferred the penguin which changed colours and items. All in all, this seems like a bad decision for Club Penguin- making a new look for the site- but it’ll probably get better! And we’ve still got that ‘gift’ to look forward to!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Club Penguin Music Charts

Yes, you heard right! There is now a Club Penguin Music Chart which tells you the weekly top ten pieces of Club Penguin Music! Click here to go there! It will be updated every Sunday with the new top 10.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Times

Sorry I’m late with this, I’ve been really busy and yesterday we had a five-hour powercut! The new issue of the Penguin Times came out on Thursday, it was issue #20. This week I am, yet again, trying a new way to show you the paper. I found a site which has the whole paper on it without you having to log on to Club Penguin! To go there and read it, click here

Please tell me what you think of this new way of formating this post by leaving a comment.
Until next time…
Waddle on!