New Pin

A new pin came out yesterday! Sorry I didn’t post this yesterday but after I came off after posting about the free item my sisters went on and I couldn’t go back on (if you made any sense of that whatsoever lol!). Anyway, the new pin is the Anvil Pin and is located in the Boiler Room- you have to make it using the Anvil Maker 3000! Here’s a picture:


Well, that’s all for now!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today! It is issue #136. Here are the top stories:

Party extended eh? Another free item, perhaps?

The other highlights are: this week’s ‘In Focus’ about the Coffee Shop/Book Room; more Aunt Arctic questions; tips, reviews, riddles, jokes and a special puffle su-doku! Check it out! I’m loving the random mini-games they put into the paper! To read the whole paper without logging into Club Penguin, click here.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Trip To Wales

Sorry everyone, but I’m going on holiday again- this time to Wales on a camping/sight-seeing trip! I’m going on Sunday (not in the morning so I’ll still be able to post then) and coming back in a week! Luckily, I don’t think anything too signifigant is happening on Club Penguin during that time- no parties, new rooms etc. Although the chances are I’ll miss the igloo contest 😦 . Anyway, I might be letting Kimi 07 be a temporary admin- I’m not sure- I’ll think about it! Either that or I’ll just post really late lol! Also I might put a few posts on time… As I say I’ll think about it!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Contest Over- Winner Announced

Ok, my HUGE two week contest is over, and many people tried to find the five pictures hidden across my site… but only one succeeded! And the winner is…

Well done! My latest contest is a jokes contest! I did this as my first contest, but didn’t get too many entries so I’m trying it again… But never fear: I won’t replay all my contests in the same order! For more detail click here!
Until next time…

Waddle on!

Medieval Party Funny Pics

Ok, well, I made some funny pics with the Medieval Party- I’ll probably do it for every party now- I enjoyed it! I made quite a few and I think they’re pretty funny, here they are (with captions- of course! (Click on the pictures to enlarge)):

Aaaaaahhh! Hot hot hot! Bad dragon!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, will I become famous?

Who made all this mess?

Who’d like a tour?

All I did was nick a slice of pizza!

It’s gonna eat me!

I’m rich!

I hope you enjoyed them! They’ll go on the ‘Funny Pics’ page when the party is over!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today. It is issue #135. The top stories are: ‘The Adventure Begins,’ which is the sequal to last week’s advertising story; ‘Ye Olde Igloo Contest,’ which is more info about the igloo contest and ‘Judging In Progress,’ which is about the judging for the story contest. Along with the top stories, the ‘In Focus’ is the Stage (I know- it’s a long feature for just one page- but I think the Stage deserves it- just as much as the Pizza Parlour!), there is an advert for new puffle furniture coming soon and Aunt Arctic answers three questions this week (OOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000oooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Amazing! Lol!). The is all the other regular things- jokes, riddles… everything, and, finally, there is another of those cool ‘Paint By Letters’ kind of thing advertisements- except this time for the Medieval Party! To read the newspaper without logging into Club Penguin, click here!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today! It is issue #134! The top stories are: ‘Party Planners Plan Shindig,’ which is about the upcoming party (although they don’t confirm what it will be); ‘The Three Club Penguin Knights,’ which is a story to advertise the current gift shop catalogue and ‘Contest Closed,’ which is last week’s writing contest page covered in yellow tape that says ‘Contest Closed’ and a small note. The underground is in this week’s ‘In Focus’ and there is a ‘Puzzle Shuffle’ in the back. As well as all this there are all the usual features!

To read the paper without logging into Club Peguin, click here!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today. It is issue #133! The top stories are: ‘Boat Sweet Boat,’ which is about Rockhopper’s Quarters; ‘Wig Wearers Wanted,’ which is about the new wig catalogue tomorrow and ‘Rockhopper departs May 5th (which explains itself).’ The other highlights include the new writers contest, a wordsearch and the Forest and Cove in ‘In Focus! Of course, all this is along with the usual: jokes, riddles, questions for aunt arctic… the lot! To read the newspaper without logging into Club Penguin, click here.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Penguin Standard Time Has Changed?????

This is so confusing! First there was that time change in america a few months back and everyone went to my party an hour early: and now this! The new Penguin Standard Time corresponds exactly with my time- so Club Penguin is turning even more British (yey!)! I even heard rumours that the BBC (British BroadCasting) were going to buy it (although I doubt they would have gone to all that trouble of that disney stuff if they had)! Anyway, in my previous post, the one about my party tomorrow, I was using old PST, so it is 6:30pm in new PST (or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time(often called UMT(Universal Mean Time))) as it is technically known as (lol a lot of brackets!))! To help you work out the time differences (if you need help), the new PST is eight hours ahead of the old PST!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

Rockhopper Has Arrived

YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROCKHOPPER HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you may have guessed from the title and my screams of joy just then (lol), Rockhopper has finally arrived! I think this might be his first ever arrival on a Thursday! Despite his boat troubles, he still managed to bring two new items! One for free and one for purchase! Here is a picture of the ‘Rockhopper’s Rare Items’ catalogue:

The new shirt is cool- especially for non-members- who might not have any other body items! Also, here is a picture of the boat parked on the beach- I think it’s the first time two boats have been parked on the beach at the same time too:

The party starts tomorrow! I can’t wait!
Until next time…
Waddle on!