Puffles Will Play!!

Hey everyone!! Starting this Friday, puffles will start to play with all the puffle furniture in your igloo!! If you don’t have any then just go buy some or get it from the storage instead of buying more, unless you want more!bed1.jpgYou can buy puffle furniture at the Pet Shop in the catalog. Just get ready to watch the new ways they sleep, play, and eat. The best part is that their health will increase, too! I totally can’t wait at all!! 😀

~Aznmonkey10 A.K.A. Blowsight10~

Puffle At The Ice Rink

Have you been wondering where the puffle from the Night Club has been for the last few days? Well know you know: the Ice Rink! For several days now, he has been annoying penguins worldwide by hogging the puck so we can’t play Ice Hockey!

It is obviously something to do with the new game- although I don’t know why that means he has to go to the Ice Rink. Couldn’t he stay somewhere less important- say… the Boiler Room? Oh well, it looks like, at least for the present, we’re stuck with no hockey.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Catalogues + Catalogue Secrets

THREE new catalogues came out yesterday! Puffle Furniture, Furniture and Igloo Upgrade! There is heaps of new stuff available! Here are some pics of the AWESOME new stuff (and returning stuff):

The Furniture Catalogue

The Pet Furniture Catalogue

And, finally, the Igloo Upgrade catalogue:

Here are the secrets:

For the Furniture Catalogue:
1. The Palm Tree can be found by clicking on the ‘P’ at the start of ‘Plants’:

2. Two secret items on one page? I don’t think that’s ever happened before! Anyway, the Coffee Shop Tree can be found by clicking on the Large Houseplant:

3. The Plush Grey Chair can be found by clicking on the green vase:

4. The Inflatable Dragon can be found by clicking on the door of the pink model castle:

5. The Cake can be found by clicking on the sink part of the Kitchen sink (which is in clearance along with all the other kitchen items 😯 ):

Whew! That was a lot of secrets! Now… Lets move onto the Puffle Catalogue secret! There’s only one of those (thank goodness lol)! You can find the Grey Puffle House by clicking on the splodge of dirt I encircled:

Igloo Upgrades- only two more secrets and we’re done! Finally!
1. Click on the Crowbar to find the Secret Stone Igloo:

2. Click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo to get the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo:

Well, that’s all three catalogues: the new stuff, the cheats- everything! Happy shopping!
Until next time…
Waddle on!

New Club Penguin Times

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today! It is issue #136. Here are the top stories:

Party extended eh? Another free item, perhaps?

The other highlights are: this week’s ‘In Focus’ about the Coffee Shop/Book Room; more Aunt Arctic questions; tips, reviews, riddles, jokes and a special puffle su-doku! Check it out! I’m loving the random mini-games they put into the paper! To read the whole paper without logging into Club Penguin, click here.
Until next time…
Waddle on!

G’s Letter

Sorry I didn’t post this yesterday- I didn’t have time! Anyway, G left a message in the newspaper. It was the paper in the pocket of his lab coat in the picture of him. If you click on the paper this letter comes up:

It says: To unlock this file turn all puffles black.

To read the full letter, you have to click on the puffles on the letter until they are all black. Here’s the full letter:

I think the point where he says “time” is a hint on what he’s going to do in the next mission.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. The pics from my party have been delayed again- next time I won’t take as many! The slideshow should be made by tomorrow.

April Fool’s Day Party + Pin + Special Server Test Treat

The April Fool’s Day Party is AWESOME! In my opinion it is the best party yet! All the decorations are wonderful and there are TWO awesome free items:

The free items are the Propeller Cap and the Swirly Glasses.

The Propeller Cap is at the Ski Village:


The Swirly Glasses are at the Cove:


The Crayon Pin is at the Mine Shack- you have to do the dot-to-dot to get it:



Here are some of my favourite room decorations:



Sport Shop:


The Forest:


Also there is a special April Fool’s Day treat ONLY on the test servers:


EVERYONE is a green puffle! It’s awesome! The treat ends on Monday so you’d better see it while you still can! Click here to go to the Club Penguin test servers.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


New Book Games

The new book games called ‘My Puffle’ and burned out bulb came out yesterday. They are quite fun but they contain a lot of typing. Personally, I think they should both have more chances to make decisions about what is going to happen, but anyway, they are both very good! I like the way the pictures appear! I will post more about them later, as I did with Aqua Grabber.

Until next time…

Waddle on!


P.S. The party pics slideshow will be made soon- i just haven’t had time!

Puffle Party

The puffle party has now started in Kimi’s Korner. We are open from 10:30am PST (Penguin Standard Time) to 11:00am PST on server Belly Slide (british) at Kimi 07’s igloo. If you come, make sure you bring a puffle with you! A puffle party wouldn’t be a puffle party without puffles!

Until next time…

Waddle on!


Kimi’s Kolumn #2

Greetings penguins of the world! I have returned! Muh ha ha ha hah! And I bring great tidings of joy! Lot’s of fun, exciting stuff! Such as some glitches and tips! Enjoy!

Rockhopper finding tip:

If you walk your red puffle, take it to the town centre and dance (this does have a point, I’m not just messing!), if it turns slightly left or right, it means he’s on the server you are on and that is the way to go, if it just bounces normally, he isn’t on that server, or not online at all (if he’s in a secret room this doesn’t work).

Into Korner news, this month’s party will take place next week, on Monday for a whole week. It will be the puffle party, which won the vote! The Korner will be open normal time (10:30pm PST (Penguin Standard Time)) at the usual place (Kimi 07’s igloo, server Belly Slide). Please bring along your puffles, and wear puffle clothing if you have any.

That’s all for now!

Hasta la vista, baby!

😆    😆   😆     😆      😆     😆     😆    😆  

~Kimi 07

3000 Hits Party Pics Slideshow

We had a great 3000 hits party today! We played games, watched a puffle circus, attempted to tip the iceberg, watched Kimi the Klown, ate cake and did lots of other things too! Here are my pictures of it for anyone who didn’t go, or anyone who did go that wants to be reminded of our brilliant time!

It was so cool! Next week I will be having my 4000 hits party! I hope to see you there!

Until next time…

Waddle on!
